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Gross discount

A Gross Discount is the amount a price would be reduced to purchase crude oil at a lesser price from the quoted ongoing market price sometimes used to refer to the price differences between futures of different delivery months, as in the phrase "July is trading at a discount to May," indicating that the price of the July transaction is lower than that of May.     

It is the total price less than a specific amount setup as an incentive to purchase the (Crude Oil) product.

This gross is equitably distributed between the buyer and the seller of the crude oil product.    

If the present market price is $60.00 per barrel with a $10.00 gross discount, the buyer will pay to the seller, $60.00 less ten dollars per barrel.

This means that the seller will only be paid $50.00 dollars per barrel.

Net discount:

A net discount is the percentage share of the total discount (gross) that is allocated to the buyer.


For example, if the gross discount is $10.00 and the net discount is $6.00 dollars, the buyer will pay the seller the market price less $10.00 and $4.00 left over from the $10.00 will be distributed equally between the seller and buyer sides agents, consultant's mandates and facilitators.


That means that each side will get $2.00 dollars from the $4.00 discount.

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